NameDoris NICOLLE 
Notes for Doris NICOLLE
From Chronical 8 June 1939
In the Kangarilla Methodist Church, the
marriage was solemnised of John, only son
of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. Weymouth, of
Coromandel Valley, and Doris, the younger
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicolle. of
Chandler's Hill, Claredon. The Rev. H. W.
Jew officiated.
The bride wore a frock of ivory satin
moulded to the figure, with long cowled
sleeves, shirred fronted bodice, and a long
train. A long embroidered veil which fell
over the train was held in place by a halo
of orange blossom and buds. Miss Coral
Weymouth (sister of the bridegroom) was
bridesmaid. Mr. N. Nicolle was best man.
The bride travelled In an ensemble of wedge
wood blue, with navy accessories. Mr. and
Mrs Weymouth's future home will be at
Coromandel Valley.