Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameRev. James STOYEL
Death31 Jan 1896, FULLARTON RD, Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
FatherJames STOYEL (1809-1875)
MotherAnn BLAKE (1809-1887)
FatherJohn MATHEWS (1813-)
MotherElizabeth GRIFFITHS (1813-)
ChildrenWilliam Gilbert (1870-1958)
 Murray (1877-1899)
 Frank (1869-1903)
 James Stuart (1863-1940)
 Elsie Amelia (1873-1917)
 Lottie Mable (1878-1880)
 Jack B. (1881-1942)
Notes for Rev. James STOYEL

He immigrated per Murray in 1865 to Port Adelaide, South Australia.
James married Amelia Stuart MATTHEWS in Sep 1862 in St Mary Major, Exeter, Devonshire, England.

The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889-1931)
Monday 3 February 1896
The sudden death of the Rev James Stoyel has cast a gloom over the Bible Christian con-   nexion, and much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Stoyel and family. The large number of
    people who attended the funeral on Sunday   afternoon was an indication of the respect in which the deceased was held. A short service was held in the house of the late Mr. Stoyel, Fullarton road, Fullarton, before the funeral procession, which numbered 40 vehicles, started for the Mitcham Cemetery. There was a large crowd around the grave and the service was conducted by the Rev. E. Gratton and the Rev. W. T. Penrose (pre   sident of the Bible Christian Conference) The Rev. T. Hillman offered prayer, a hymn was sung "Cbme let us join our friends above," after which the Rev. Mr. Gratton gave a short address. He said that he had held sweet counsel with the late Mr Stoyel, and the day befpre their brother died they were talking   together on church and mission work.   He did not expect to hear of his quick summons by death on the following day. She last words of Mr Stoyel addressed to him were, "Well, what work will you give me to do " and he replied, " I cannot give you   much." Mr. Stoyel responded, "If I am able   to do more than I have I shall be glad " The next time he saw Mr Stoyel he was a corpse.   The deceased minister was willing to continue in the work of his Master, and he would say, in the words of Tennyson, "No doubt that for one so true there must be other work to do " God took him away and he ceased to work amongst us, and to him sudden death was sudden glory He hoped that the sudden death of Mr. Stoyel would cause others to prepare for the great event, which might be nearer to many present than they thought. It was not only solemn to die, but it was solemn to live. He trusted that wifh God as their helper they would live so as to be prepared to die if death called them suddenly away. Then they should not forget the bereaved, and should comfort those who mourned. The relatives present were Mrs Stoyel (wife) Messrs. J. S. Stoyel, J.M. Stoyel, W.   G. Stoyel, A. M. Stoyel, and Master O. G.   Stoyel ( sons) Miss Stoyel (daughter), Mr. Sherwood ( son in law), Mrs J. S. Stoyel and Mrs. J. M. Stoyel (daughters in law), Mrs. H. Matthews (sister in law), Messrs. A. H. Mat thews, F. J. Matthews, W. E. Matthews,   Mel. Matthews and E. G. Matthews (nephews). Amongst tho c who attended were the Rev Junes Howe, T 13 Keen, Jo=eph Hancoc\ 7 To ter, G U Paynter C Tresise, T McNeil, and W O the Mayor ?£ Hindmarsh Qar B Goald), Dr Torr, D*- Coombe^ Messra J Gardner, J G A hton, JE Ashton, W Shierlaw, S Shierlaw, jun , J Bartlett, Jd. M. Maughan, S Coombe, JE J Coombe, C G Gurr, \V Lewis, J Hcg garton, T JSichards T T MartinTA. Puddy, , A. JI Puddy, \Vy Edwards, "H Eenstridoi J Marls, FtP JEmght, \V Dring, A btock ham, J Williams H G James, 1 S Brown, J Wright, B Ralph, A. J Whitlow, Baeke,' W M. Hicks; A.Penffelley, W. Wilhams, J Tucker, C White, W Battye, Georpe Battye F Jenkms^E i-X3ross, A-^Elhott, ~F S Smith, R Holland, H JE-von?, H. ff. James, J Matters, A' C'Shercvood, J Hodda, A Sher wood, Tern, HoUard, C Stevenson, J ~H. Williams, ana A. Torbes Ono son of the deceased, Mr F. M. Stoyel, is at Perth, West Australia, and Mrs. Sherwood was unaole to be present. The funeral anangemeuts were earned out by Mr P Gannom.

THE LATE REV. J. STOYEL. from The South Australian Register Tuesday 4 February 1896
The funeral of the late Rev. -lames Stoyel took place on Sunday afternoon at the Mitcham Cemetery, a short service, having first been Vir-lr? .it th(- lato i'onrli-ni:in'-5 rr»Rir!iTirj- on t!ir»
i ullarton-road, iuliarton. Ihere was a very large number present, and the funeral procession included over forty vehicles. At the grave the service was conducted by the Revs. 1L Gratton and W. T. Penrose (President of the B.C. Conference), ar.d the Kev. T. llillman oi:'-_Tt-d prayer. The Rev. Mr. G ration delivered an eloquent address, in which he alluded to the love of work always shown by the deceased gentleman, and the suddenness of his death. The chief mourners wero tho widow of the late : his son.-, Messrs. J. S., J. M., \V. G.. A. M., and O. G. Stoyel ; Miss Stoyel (daughter), Mr. Sherwood (sonin law), Mefdames .f. S. and ?'-. 21. Stovcl (daughters-in-law). Mrs. H. ilat thews (sister in-law), and Messrs. A. H., F. .!.. \Y. l-\, M., and 12. G. Matthews (nephews). Others nre sent around the grave wcr' the IJcvs. .). Foster. T. McNeil, .lames itov.e. .T. Han cock, G. H. Paynter. T. E. Keen, \\r. O. North, and C. Tro^izo, Dr. Torr, Dr. Cooabe. and M^essrs. B. Gould. \Y. William::, J. Tucker, C. White, W. Battye, George Battyti, F Jenkins, E. Cross, A. Elliott. F. S. '.Smith. 11. Holland, H. Evans, H. W. James, J. Matters. A. 0. Sher wood. J. Rodda. A. Sherwood, Fern, IIoHard, C. Stoven-wn, J. H. ^'iilianis, A. Foriies. J. Gardner. J. G. Ashtoii, E. Ashton, W. Shier law, S. Shicriar.% jun., .T. Bartlett, 31. M. ?.Iaughar., S. Coombe, E. ,T. Coo;iibe, C. G. Gurr, W. Lewis, J. Flt'srgarton, T. Eichards, .1. T. Marciu, A. Puddy, A. E. Pnddy. W. Edwards, II. Henst ridge, J. Mnri.-. F. P. Knight, W. Dririg, A. Stoekiiam. J. W'illiains, U. G. Junes. J. S. lirowc. .T. 'Wright, B. Ralph, A. J. Whitiow, B:voko, W. M. Hu-Ls, and A. Fengelli.-y. Another son of Mr. Stoyei, Mr. F. M. Stoyel, L now at Perth.
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