From Adelaide Chronical Sat 16 May 1925A SURPRISE PARTY.
A surprise party was given to Miss Dorothy
Nicolle at Kangarilla on Tuesday evening in
honor of her
birthday. The evening was spent
in games, musical items, and a letter compe
tition, which was won by Mr. A. Ooek and Miss
Nicolle. Items were rendered by Misses M. and
H. Woof, D.
Nicolle, and H. and P. -Thorpe. Mr.
Allan Cock presented Miss
Nicolle with a rose
bowl on behalf of her friends. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. H.
Nicolle, Mrs. Hozie, Hisses
D. Nicolle, P. Thorpe, M. Woof, I,
Nicolle, H.
'Woof, and N. Thorpe, ' Messrs.' V. Whitiug A.
Cock, G. Williams, and A. Phillips.
A social was held in the Temperance Hail on
'Friday evening by the -adult members of the
Beebabite Lodge. Musical and elocutionary items
were rendered by Misses M. Woof, 1).
H. Woof, E. Jones. Iris
Nicolle, and E. Potter.
Mr. H.
Nicolle occupied -the chair. Games were
played, and supper was provided by the ladies.
From Chronacal 24 Oct 1925
At the Kangari-Ua Methodist Church on Octobei
8, Miss Dorothy
Nicolle, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs.. Henry Kicolle, of
Kangarilla, was mar
ried to Mr. Victor Whiting, second son of Mr.
and Mr. Harold Whiting, of Seaview. The
Rev. F. W. Close officiated, and Mrs. F. W. Thorpe
presided at the organ. The bride, who wal
civen away bv her father, was gowned in ivory
crepe de cheue with ovcrskirt of georgette, em
broidered with sillt. Streamers of georgette
hung from the shoulder and the dress was finished
at the waist with a pearl and feather cabachon.
She wore an embroidered net veil, with pearl
and brilliant bandeau, and carried a shower bou
quet with 6atin streamers. The bridesmaid
(Miss Edith
Nicolle, cousin of the bride), wpre
cream brocaded silk de chine with silk fringe trim
ming, brilliant cabachon and mauve ribbon.
She wore a head-dress of silver tricotine with
bandeau of silver leaves, and carried a helio
bouquet with satin ribbons. Two little flower
girls were Joy and Valmai
Nicolle. Joy was
froeked in dainty blue crepe dc chine, Jiud
Valmai in delicate pink crepe de chine. Each *
wore tulle on her head, tied with a butterfly
bow in front, and carried a white and silver crook
with posies. The bridesmaid and flower-girbj
wore gold brooches (gifts of the bridegroom).
Mr. n. Agplin (Adelaide) was best man. Tin
bride's mother was froeked in navy crepe 6t
diine, handsomely embroidered with hat eu suite,
and carried a helio posy. The bridegroom'l
mother was frocted in brown,' with hat to match,
and carried i pink posy. At the close o{ tfc«
ceremony, Mr. Allan Cock sang 'They say.' A«
the bride was leavinsr the church, little Bar.
Nicolle hung a white satin horeehoe on het
arm. , .
The reception was held in the
Kangarilla Hall,
which was decorated with streamers of white,
pink, and blue, and also with ferns. ltenil
were rendered bv Mrs. -F. W. Thorpe. MIns i.
Nicolle, Mow*. J. Cod:, A. Cock, 1.. Kicolle,
and the Rev. F. W. Clcsc. The liappy couplp
left by motor, amid showers of confetti. The
bride travelled in a drr«s ofsfawi) gabardine, with
tunic effect, .'eaibrotdjred: is colors, -!aftflVfi°t ieo'
suite. * ? ? ' ? ,
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