Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameMary Ann HAWKE
DeathWed 12 dec 1917, Home for Incurables, Adelaide
ChildrenElizabeth A (1852-1898)
DeathWednesday 16 sept 1908, Caroline Street Moonta SA
Notes for Mary Ann HAWKE

It is only a comparatively few that weather the storms of life much past the allotted span of three score years and ten, and it is rare indeed that the century mile-post is passed by any of the human race in these days. Mrs J. Godfrey, however, an old Moontaite, who passed to her rest at the Home for Incurables, Adelaide, on Wednesday, furnishes one of those rare examples where over 100 years have been attained. The deceased lady, who was in her 101st year, resided in Moonta for a great many years; in fact, as Mrs Hawke she will be remembered best by many of the earliest settlers of this district, for she took up her abode here when Moonta was very young. She was of a most amiable disposition, and it is not too much to say that she was loved by all who knew her, and she had a wide circle of friends. She was thrice married, her last husband (the late John Godfrey) having predeceased her a number of years. The deceased lady was an active member of the Moonta Bible Christian Church, and subsequently of the Methodist Church after union, and her late daughter (Miss Hawke) was associated with the old B.C. choir and Concord Society. The remains were, at deceased expressed wish, brought to Moonta for interment with those of her late husband, the funeral taking place on Thursday afternoon on the arrival of the train, and was largely attended by local residents, many old associates of the B.C. church being present. The mourners included representatives of the three families into which deceased had married, viz., her only son, Mr G. Hookway, Hindmarsh; Mrs Hawke, Broken Hill; Messrs John Godfrey and R. Martin. The Rev G.H. Pemberton conducted the service, and the Moonta Methodist choir rendered appropriate funereal hymns. The mortuary arrangements were in the hands of Mr E. Major, jr.
Last Modified 2 Nov 2011Created 14 Nov 2021 using Reunion for Macintosh
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